
Side-by-sidecomparisonofLiteSpeedWebServer(93%)andLiteSpeedWebADC(89%)includingfeatures,pricing,scores,reviews&trends.,Step4:Goto“Balancing”andclickthearrowpointingdownwards.Pick“LiteSpeedWebADC”andtheversionyouwant.Forexample,wechose3.1.7.,LiteSpeedWebADCisanaffordable,high-performanceHTTPloadbalancerapplication.Feature-rich,secure,andefficient,itoffersmoreflexibilitythan ...,2024年1月8日...

Compare LiteSpeed Web Server vs LiteSpeed Web ADC

Side-by-side comparison of LiteSpeed Web Server (93%) and LiteSpeed Web ADC (89%) including features, pricing, scores, reviews & trends.

How to configure load balancer using LiteSpeed Web ADC ...

Step 4: Go to “Balancing” and click the arrow pointing downwards. Pick “LiteSpeed Web ADC” and the version you want. For example, we chose 3.1.7.

LiteSpeed Technologies

LiteSpeed Web ADC is an affordable, high-performance HTTP load balancer application. Feature-rich, secure, and efficient, it offers more flexibility than ...

LiteSpeed Technologies' Post

2024年1月8日 — LiteSpeed Web Server and LiteSpeed Web ADC both got significant updates at the end of 2023. Let's see how these new updates can make your ...

LiteSpeed Web ADC

2023年5月24日 — Overview¶. LiteSpeed Web ADC is a high-performance load-balancer application. It is feature-rich, secure, and efficient, offering more ...

LiteSpeed Web ADC

2018年1月10日 — LiteSpeed Web ADC is a 100% software solution, meaning it can operate anywhere: private dedicated hardware, hosted environment, the cloud, etc.

LiteSpeed Web ADC

2021年5月10日 — The LiteSpeed Web ADC is a high-performance HTTP load balancing solution that can distribute traffic across multiple nodes.


LiteSpeed Web Server and Web ADC - Unbeatable Performance, Drop-In Compatibility, Cutting-Edge Features, Enormous Scalability.